Follow the Ordering Instructions Carefully

Payment is required to receive an oil delivery. Click on the quantity buttons in the price box to the right to process your order. Once the payment is processed, you will receive an email confirmation. New customers please fill out the form below and then use the quantity purchase buttons to process your order.

  • Same day delivery available
  • If the tank gauge is at or above 1/4, order 150 gallons
  • If the tank gauge is below 1/4 but not empty, order 200 gallons
  • If the tank gauge is empty, order 250 gallons
Current Heating Oil Prices
Gallons Price Buy Now
250 $2.649
200 $2.649
150 $2.649
125 $2.749
100 $2.849
50 $3.399
* Prices Subject to Change
Raynard Brothers Oil Company

Order Form

Fill out this form to schedule a retail diesel order

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Would You Like Confirmation of Delivery(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.